June 1 - Alpari Will No Longer Support Trading Software from Xogee Ltd

June 11 2013 17:34

Dear Clients,

Starting June 1, 2012, Alpari will no longer support the following trading terminals:

- Alpari iTrader for iPhone

- Alpari iTrader for iPad

- Alpari aTrader for Android

- Alpari bTrader for BlackBerry

- Alpari WebTrader

The trading software listed above will no longer be able to connect to Alpari servers.

Alpari clients with an Apple or Android mobile device may switch over MetaTrader 4 for iPhone* or MetaTrader 4 for Android, respectively.

The reason for this change is that the software from Xogee Limited will no longer be compatible with the MetaTrader servers. You will be informed if we begin to support trading software from Xogee again.

Best Regards,


*You may also install MetaTrader 4 for iPhone to your iPad. To do this, download the application from the AppStore directly on your iPad.

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